17. Appendices (pt 2 of 4) – Action table/list

Main academic and artistic activities undertaken by Gil for this PhD research, between Feb 2006 – Jan 2009. Originally submitted as a table. Formatted here as lists.

Short films created
– ‘Quantum Words’, June 2006.
– ‘Prince of Hampshire’, June 2006.
– ‘Unfolding Hearts’, Aug 2006.
– ‘Whispers in the Dark’, Aug 2006.
– ‘Interview authorial-Self’, April 2007.
– ‘What is Love?’, June 2007.
– ‘Explorers of the Heart’, Aug 2007.
– ‘A Fallen Angel’, March 2008.
– ‘Confessions of an Angel’, March 2008.
– ‘The Collective Hearts’, Sep 2008 (this filmed workshop includes performance, so I have included it here under category ‘Films’).

Papers presented in conferences
– National Postgrad Conference, School of Creative Arts, Film & Media, Portsmouth Uni, Nov 2005.
– Song, Stage & Screen Conference,  School of Creative Arts, Film & Media, Portsmouth Uni, April 2006.
– Great Writing 2006, School of Creative Arts, Film & Media, Portsmouth Uni, June 2006.
– Neglected Narratives and untold Stories, The Centre for Narrative & Auto/Biographical Studies (NABS), Edinburgh Uni, Oct 2006 .
– 2nd Arts in Society Conference. Organized by Common Ground. Kassel University, Germany, August 2007.
– 11th Annual CEP Conference, Reflection: Self-actualisation and Awareness, British Psychological Society, Oxford, Sep 2007.
– The Creative Process: Study Day With Gil and Natalie Dekel, Alister Hardy Society, Oxford, March 2008.
– 31st Denton Conferences on Implicit Religion, Denton , Ilkley, May 2008.
– 3rd Arts in Society Conference. Organized by Common Ground. Birmingham, July 2008.

Papers presented at other events
– Staff and PhD students forum group, ADM, Portsmouth University, April 2006.
– Portsmouth University, PhD forum group psychology/computer sciences, August 2006.
– The Alister Hardy Society and Research Centre for Spiritual Experiences, London, Sep 2006.
– Portsmouth University, Social Research Methods course, 10 minutes presentation assignment, Portsmouth Uni, Feb 2007.
– Spiritualists’ Church,  Cavendish Grove, Southampton, Feb 2007.
– Spiritualists’ Church,  Cavendish Grove, Southampton, Jun 2007.
– 2-minute presentation, Portsmouth University ADM Research event, April 2008.
– Presentation to single audience Dr. Amikam Marbach (Dr. for research methods), Haifa, Israel, May 2008.
– Portsmouth University ADM Research event, May 2008.
– Viva preparation workshop, Portsmouth University, Oct 2008.

Papers publications
Symbols of feelings and extraction of knowledge: A critical and practical exploration of the process of extraverted poetry making.Science, People & Politics  (ISSN: 1751-598X), Vol. 1, Dec 2006.
“Waterised Words”: Exhibition exploring self-knowledge through art practice, as part of PhD research.Journal Consciousness, Literature and the Arts, (ISSN 1470-5648), Vol. 9, No. 1, April 2008
The Process of Visionary Extraverted Poetrymaking. De Numine, The Newsletter of the members of the Alister Hardy Society, No. 44, Spring (April) 2008, pp. 9-12.
Illuminating the Word: Visualisation of Poetic Experiences Through Filmmaking.International Journal of Arts in Society (ISSN: 1833-1866), Vol.2 (5), May 2008, pp.39-44.
Wordless Silence of Poetic Mind: Outlining and Visualising Poetic Experiences through Artmaking. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, (ISSN 1438-5627), 9(2), Art. 26, http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/384
May 2008.
Who is the Author of my Poems? Art Practice Based PhD Exploring Knowledge Gained in the Process of Creativity.Journal of the World Universities Forum, (ISSN: 1835-2030) Vol. 1, Issue 3, June 2008, pp.113-120.

In-depth interviews conducted
– Poets:
*Maggie Sawkins (July 2006), *Sylvia Paskin (Aug 2006), *Anne Stevenson (Sep 2006).

– Chanting artist:
*Russell Jenkins (Sep 2006).

– Poets:
*Myra Schneider (Dec 2006), *Clive Wilmer (April 2007).

– Poet:
*Alan Corkish (June 2008).

– Poet/Painter:
*Paul Hartal (June 2008).

– Painters:
*Natalie Dekel (April 2008), *Barry Stevens (June 2008), *Melanie Chan (July 2008).

– Painter:
*Felice Varini (July 2008).

– Installation artists:
*David Johnson (July 2008), *Ken Devine (May 2008), *Katayoun Dowlatshahi (Sep 2008), ‘Muse authorial-Self’: (Oct 2006 and Aug 2008).

– Performance artist:
*Roi Vaara (July 2008).

– Academics:
Art critic *Patricia Bickers (Sep 2008), *Research methods Dr. Amikam Marbach (Sep 2008) *Author Wilson Colin (Nov 2008), *Art research methods teacher and painter Iain Biggs (Nov 2008).

Videos made from papers presentations
– ‘Gil Dekel present at ADM study day’, April 2006.
– ‘Trembling Words’, April 2006.
– ‘Interdisciplinary Mud’, June 2006.
– ‘Illuminating the word’, Aug 2007.
– ‘Stages of Inspiration’, June 2008.
– ‘One More Pearl’, July 2008.

Thoughts and reflections made into short videos
– ‘Making of What is Love, Part 2’, July 2007.
– ‘One Plus One Equals Green’, Feb 2008.
– ‘Footprints in the Sand’, March 2008.
– ‘A Question to Minette Walters’, April 2008.

Graphic designs / photograpic works created
– ‘Baby Book 1’, March-April 2006.
– ‘The Arrival’ + destruction work of Eldon, Portsmouth University Eldon Gallery, March-April 2006.
– ‘Unfolding Hearts’, Aug 2006.
– ‘Petals of Trust’, Nov 2007.
– ‘Black circle going to be’, Feb 2008.
– ‘What if every leaf was afraid to fall?’, Aug 2006 and April 2008.
– Online art resource www.poeticmind.co.uk (work in progress), Dec 2007 – Jan 2009.

DVD covers’ designs for films and videos discs
– ‘Gil Dekel present at ADM study day’, April 2006.
– ‘Trembling Words’, April 2006.
– ‘Quantum Words’, June 2006.
– ‘Prince of Hampshire’, June 2006.
– ‘Interdisciplinary Mud’, June 2006.
– ‘Unfolding Hearts’, Aug 2006.
– ‘Whispers in the Dark’, Aug 2006.
– ‘Interview authorial-Self’, April 2007.
– ‘What is Love?’, June 2007.
– ‘Quantum Words’, June 2006.
– ‘Prince of Hampshire’, June 2006.
– ‘Unfolding Hearts’, Aug 2006.

Exhibitions created
– Graphic Designs:
1. The Arrival’, Portsmouth University Eldon Gallery, March-April 2006.
2. CIBAS, Portsmouth, Sep 2006.
3. ‘Waterised Words’, Portsmouth University, Eldon Gallery Jan-March 2007.
4. ‘Petals of Trust’, Art House Gallery, Southampton, Nov 2007.
– Photography:
1. ‘Baby Book 1’, Portsmouth University Eldon Gallery, March-April 2006 and Southsea Synagogue, June 2006.
2. ‘The Arrival’, Portsmouth University Eldon Gallery, March-April 2006.
3. ‘Waterised Words’, Portsmouth University, Eldon Gallery Jan-March 2007.
4. ‘Petals of Trust’, Art House Gallery, Southampton, Nov 2007
– Films:
1. ‘Waterised Words’, Portsmouth University, Eldon Gallery Jan-March 2007
– Poetry:
1. ‘Waterised Words’, Portsmouth University,  Eldon Gallery Jan-March 2007.
2. ‘Petals of Trust’, Art House  Gallery, Southampton, Nov 2007

Installation work created
– ‘Waterised Words’, Portsmouth University  Eldon Gallery Jan-March 2007.

Performances made as part of other works
– ‘Waterised Words’, Portsmouth University  Eldon Gallery Jan 2007.
– ‘Prince of Hampshire’, Portsmouth University  Eldon Gallery, June 2006.
– Portsmouth University Social Carnival, May 2007.
– ‘What is Love?’, Street action in London, Southampton and Portsmouth, June 2007.
– ‘Explorers of the Heart’, The Art House Gallery, Southampton, Aug 2007.
– ‘The Book of Inspiration’, The Art House Gallery, Southampton, Sep 2008.

Workshops created and facilitated
– Southampton Poetry Society, March 2007-April 2008.
– ‘The Book of Inspiration’, The Art House Gallery, Southampton, Sep 2008.

Poetry readings at events
– ‘BBC Emancipation Slam’, The Orange Rooms, Southampton, March 2007.
– Cultural event ‘Dansez sur moi’, The Art House Gallery, Southampton, May 2007.
– Open Platform Southampton Spiritualists’ Church, Cavendish Grove, June 2007.
– Access Festival 07, Southampton, June 2007.
– Open Platform Southampton Spiritualists’ Church, Cavendish Grove, July 2007.
– ‘Pop Art Cultural Event; Explorers of The Heart’, The Art House Gallery, Southampton, July 2007.
– Spoken Word Open mic evening, Moving Voices at the The Art House Gallery, Southampton, Feb 2008.

Conferences attended (in addition to the conferences where I attended and also presented a paper)
– Conference ‘Poetry and Science’, Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society, and The Poetry Society, May 2006.
– Conference ‘Synthetic Sensations’, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University, London, June 2006.
– Conference ‘Research Into Practice 2006’, ‏University of Hertfordshire,Hertfordshire, July 2006.
– Conference ‘Counter-Movements: Institutions of difference’, School of Social, Historical and Literary Studies, University of Portsmouth, July ‏2006.
– Conference ‘The Seventh Ecumenical Conference on Christian Parapsychology’, The Churches’ Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies and Alister Hardy Society,  University of Exeter, Sep 2006.
– ‘The Emerging Spirituality Revolution’,   Wreking Trust, London, Nov 2006.

Lectures attended (outside my University)
– Biographer Shirley De Boulay: ‘Writing the Story of a Life’. Organized by Alister Hardy Society, Oxford, April 2006.
– Author Patrick Harpur: ‘The Little People’. Organized byTemenos Academy, London, July ‏2006.
– Dame Gillian Beer: ‘Rhyming as Intimacy, Rhyming as Radicalism’, Poetry Society, London, Jan 2007.
– Dr. Hossein M. Ghomshei: ‘The Veils of God; A mystical commentary on the poetry of Dr. Kathleen Raine’, The Temenos Academy, London, April 2007.
– Scientist John Polkinghorne: ‘Cosmology and God’. Organized by Christians in Science, Southampton University, May 2007.
– Biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake: ‘What if Telepathy Really Happens?’. Organized by Society for Psychical Research, London June 2007.
– Literary theorist Prof. Geoffrey Hartman: ‘The Contest between Poet and Priest’.  Organized by: The British Academy, London, Oct 2007.
– Graphic designer Bruno Maag:  ‘Return To Type’. Organized by Portsmouth Uni, School Art Design & Media, April 2008.

Symposium/events attended
– Symposium ‘Peer Review and Dissemination of Media Practice’, Salford University, June 2006.
– Symposium ‘Romanticism and Science’, The British Academy, London, Sep 2006.
– Poetry Day Emerson College, May 2007.

Questions I asked presenters in lectures/presentations (although answers are documented I did not include them here since my aim is to show development in the questions, not in the answers)

How poetry differs from language?
Question to poet John Hegley, ‘Uncut Confetti’. Organized by: Tongues & Grooves, Portsmouth, April 2006.

How you become aware of your own point of view?
Question to biographer  De Boulay, Shirley, ‘Writing the Story of a Life’.  Organized by: Alister Hardy Society, Oxford, April 2006.

How can extraverted poetry be studied along with introverted poetry?
General questions to all presenters at ‘Poetry and Science’ Conference, Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society, and The Poetry Society, May 2006.

Do you know anyone who communicates with angels?
Question to Author and peace activist Satish Kumar, ‘The Emerging Spirituality Revolution’, Wreking Trust, London, Nov 2006.

The ‘authorial-Self’ suggests that Relativity Theories are based on the idea that light travels through darkness, yet in “reality” there is only light everywhere. What would you think of such suggestion?
Question to  physicist Prof. Brian D. Josephson,  director of Mind-Matter Unification Project, Cambridge University, via email correspondence, Feb-May 2007.

What is the difference between image and word?
Question to Dr. Hossein M. Ghomshei, ‘The Veils of God; A mystical commentary on the poetry of Dr. Kathleen Raine’, The Temenos Academy, London, April 2007.

Can Einstein’s idiom ‘to arrive at scientific achievement, one needs to be in a state of religion or being in love’ – be seen as a method for scientific research?
Question to scientist John Polkinghorne, ‘Cosmology and God’. Organized by Christians in Science, Southampton University, May 2007.

Can there be a telepathic communication from a person living today and a person who will live in the future?
Question to  biologist and author  Rupert Sheldrake, ‘What if Telepathy Really Happens?’. Organized by Society for Psychical Research, London, June 2007.

–  1. Why poets write at all? 2. Did Blake reveal his methods used to obtain his visions? 3. How does the emotional side of the poet connect to the intellectual side (forming words in a poem)?
Question to literary theorist Prof. Geoffrey Hartman,  ‘The Contest between Poet and Priest’. Organized by: The British Academy, London, Oct 2007.

Is it moral to write about human suffering?
Question to  Crime fiction writer  Minette  Walters, ‘BBC1 The Big Questions’, Southampton March 2008.

What font do you recommend to use over the internet?
Question to graphic designer Bruno Maag, ‘Return To Type’. Organized by Portsmouth Uni, School Art Design & Media, April 2008.

Art exhibitions + talk attended
– ‘Constable: The Great Landscapes’, Britain Tate Gallery, London, July 2006.
– ‘Kandinsky The Path to Abstraction’, Modern Tate Art Gallery, London, Sep 2006.
– ‘Kuba Kutlug Ataman’, Video installations, John Hansard Gallery, Old Magistrates Courts, Southampton, Feb 2007.
– ‘Charlotte White’, Sound instillation, Bargate Monument Gallery, Southampton, Feb 2007.
– ‘Fig.’, Photography exhibition and talk with the artists, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, March 2007.
– Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum, Bournemout, April 2007.
– ‘Chinese Video Now’, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, May 2007.
– ‘Rodchenko’, Hayward Gallery, London, March 2008.
– ‘Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia’ and ‘Juan Munoz’, Modern Tate, London, March 2008.

Membershipin societies during the research 2006-2008
– Temenos Academy (study of the arts of imagination), UK.
– The Alister Hardy Society (study of spiritual experiences), UK.
– Institute of Noetic Sciences (research into the power of consciousness), USA.
– The Poetry Society, UK.
– The Society for Psychical Research (scientific study of inexplicable human’s faculties), UK.

Books I reviewed and short articles published online
– ‘The relation word/image’, poetryfoundation.org, Feb 2008 .
– ‘Have you noticed that it is politicians that quote poets, not poets quoting politicians…’, poetryfoundation.org, March 2008.
– ‘A Fallen Angel; The blessings of poetry’,  poetryfoundation.org, March 2008.
– ‘The ‘Collective-I’’, poetryfoundation.org, March 2008.
– ‘Back to the individual’, poetryfoundation.org, March 2008.
– ‘I do wonder whether Yeats was a symbolist?’, poetryfoundation.org, April 2008.
– ‘The creative force in artists’, book review (‘Talking Art: Interviews with Artists Since 1976’), http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/pdp/profile/AD8NF0K9ZPG06/ref=cm_cr_thx_pdp , Aug 2008.
– ‘The inner self through history’, book  review (‘Phantasmagoria: Spirit Visions…’), http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/pdp/profile/AD8NF0K9ZPG06/ref=cm_cr_thx_pdp , Aug 2008.
– ‘Insight into the power of imagination’, book  review (‘The romantic imagination’), http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/pdp/profile/AD8NF0K9ZPG06/ref=cm_cr_thx_pdp , Aug 2008.
– ‘Tools for personal and social development’, book  review (‘The Outsider’), http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/pdp/profile/AD8NF0K9ZPG06/ref=cm_cr_thx_pdp , Oct 2008.

Diaries kept 2006-2009 (ongoing)
– PhD process Insights.
– Film making Insights.
– Poetry writing Insights.
– Ideas for product designs, art projects, and films.
– Learning-from-children Insights.
– Dreams.
– Day dreams (visions).

Unfinished art projects and other works in progress
– Large participatory installation, ‘The Blessing Hands’, May 2006.
– Film ‘Princess Louise’, Sep 2006.
– Coin design and production, ‘The Prince coin’, July 2006.
– Film ‘Buddha Poems’, Sep 2006.
– Film and street action ‘Angel Wings’, June-Oct 2006.
– Film ‘The War Condemned’, Sep 2007.
– Film ‘The Gift/Monstre’, Southampton, Nov 2007.
– Film Unfolding magic garden, April 2008.
– Film ‘On/Off’, March 2008.
– Film ‘Poetry in your Eyes’, March 2008.
– Film ‘Talking to the Wall’, March 2008.

My films’ screenings in festivals, competitions, events, and online
– ‘Quantum Words’:  DocsDF, Mexico International Documentary Film Festival, Sep 2006.
– ‘Quantum Words’:  Charitable Film Network, Los Angeles, USA, Oct 2006.
– ‘Quantum Words’:  Spirit of Humanity Festival, USA, Oct 2006.
– ‘Quantum Words’:  Final Cut, Brighton, Oct 2006.
– ‘Quantum Words’: 5th Annual Big Mini DV Film Festival, Long Island University, NY, USA, Nov 2006.
– ‘Whispers in The Dark’: Portsmouth Screen 06, Portsmouth Film and New Media Festival, Nov 2006.
– ‘Whispers in The Dark’: Final Cut, Brighton, March 2007.
– ‘Unfolding Hearts’: Cultural event ‘Dansez sur moi’, The Art House Gallery, Southampton, May 2007.
– ‘What Is Love?’: Pop Art Cultural Event, The Art House Gallery, Southampton, July 2007.
– ‘What Is Love?’: Topanga 4th Film Festival,  California, USA, August 2007.
– ‘What Is Love?’: DAKINO International Film Festival,  Bucharest, Romania. Nov 2007.

My papers that were accepted for conferences, but I did not attend the conferences at the end
World Universities Forum, Davos, Swiss, Jan 2008.
Souls in Literature, Department of Theology & Religion, Durham University, April 2008.
Religion, Faith, Spirituality: An Interdisciplinary and International Postgraduate Conference on the Past, Present and Future, Graduate School of the College of Arts and Humanities, Bangor University, Wales, June 2008.

Changes in supervision of the research (this occurred as supervisors retired or moved to teach at different Universities. I include this list here as it had major impact on me adapting to the research as tutors kept changing each year)
– Prof Tim Putnam, School of Art Design & Media, 2006-2007.
– Prof Graeme Harper, School of Creative Arts, Film and Media, 2006.
– Steven O’brien, School of Creative Arts, Film and Media, 2006.
– Alison Habes, School of Creative Arts, Film and Media, 2006.
– Ergin Cavusoglu, School of Art Design & Media, 2007-2008.
– Prof David Garcia, School of Art Design & Media, 2007.
– Dr Paul Newland, School of Art Design & Media, 2008-2009.

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