02. Dedication

To the one who is walking beside me for thousands of years now,

my wife,

and the one who reminds me why we are here,

my child.



I am thankful to:

Dr. Paul Newland, my supervisor behind this research – for guiding the structure of my ideas into coherent thesis.

Prof Tim Putnam, Prof David Garcia, Prof Graeme Harper, Dr Steven OBrien, Mr Ergin Cavusoglu, and Ms Alison Habens, my other tutors – for challenging my assumptions and helping to shape them.

Supporting staff at the University’s Dep. of Art, Design & Media – for demonstrating that hard work and enthusiasm can open doors.

Colleagues in academic institutions around the world – for giving me the opportunity to present my papers in more than twenty conferences during this research, and for their feedback and for creating a network of academics in which researchers can situate their works.

The thousands viewers who watched my films, attended my paper presentations in conferences, participated in my art installations and art workshops, and read my articles – for their support and constructive criticism on my works.

The many interviewees that took part in this research – for not being afraid to answer my daring questions about their creative processes.

Dr Amikam Marbach, adviser of a unique academic research method – for seeing the worth in me even before I saw it.

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